Friday, December 26, 2008

Um, what do they say about it again?

Have you seen this commercial? Stupid know-it-all girlfriends! Who do they think they are?! And the Corn Refiners Association is the biggest proponent of these obnoxious women and their sassy opinions of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or HFCS.

Really though, it's the guy's fault. Who says, "Well you know what they say..." without actually knowing what they say? Amateur.

We've all heard a lot about HFCS, but personally, I've never taken the time to form an opinion of it. It's assumed that HFCS is bad, but very few people can actually tell you why, like the guy in the commercial. Since the appearance of the TV ads a few months ago, there has been a lot written about HFCS, from TIME to WebMD, and much more.

Most of the articles address the 3 assertions made by the know-it-all girlfriend in favor of HFCS.

1. It's made from corn, so it's "all natural."

it is made from corn. However, it is not a naturally occurring substance. The extensive processing involved in producing HFCS is hardly easy, quick or painless. Linda Joyce Forristal of the Weston A. Price Foundation details the process here.

2. It has the same calories as sugar.

Nutritionally, it's pretty much the same as sugar, which most support by citing the American Medical Associations' position that HFCS does not contribute more to obesity that sugar.

3. It's fine to consume in moderation.

But the key word here is "moderation." It can be difficult to moderate your consumption of HFCS because it is in a huge number of foods and beverages, particularly processed products. The Mayo Clinic discusses how this impacts health and diet.

So, it's not like the Corn Refiners Association is selling blatant lies, but they are only telling a small part of the story. Check out their arsenal of marketing tools in their HCFS Facts Press Kit. You have to admit, the time and energy spent creating such a beautifully crafted half-truth is impressive. You're in for a sweet surprise indeed.

Furthermore, the Washington Post brings up a point that the know-it-all girlfriend (and most of the popular articles) fails to mention: the impact of producing HFCS on the environment, which is rather large. Michael Pollan has become the resident expert on this issue, and if you haven't already, I'd check out The Omivore's Dilemma.

So! Do you feel more capable of saying "Well, you know what they say about High Fructose Corn Syrup..." and having an actual answer to back it up?

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