Friday, May 14, 2010

Just Kidding! Also, Not JK-ing About Facebook

Awww... you actually thought I was going to follow through with this?!

That's sweet.

I do have a follow-up post to People in their 20s and The Sex nearly finished, so that will arrive shortly. Clearly, you are on the edge of your seat, so I will try to be prompt in my delivery.

Additionally, I came across a Lifehacker post from a couple days ago that highlighted a NY Times' diagram concerning Facebook's privacy options. There has been a LOT of discussion about FB's ridiculous new privacy policies and weird profile design and a lot of confusion about both. This nifty diagram attempts to make sense of all the privacy options and maps them out. If you love infographics, you will thank me (or the Times. Or whoever.)

I STRONGLY suggest checking out the new privacy options and adjusting them accordingly. Some crazy stuff has been going on over at Facebook and everyone should be aware of who can see your information and who you may be unwittingly sending your info to. I've been tempted to just delete the whole blasted thing, but I'm not that extreme. However, if this is an appealing option, I'd suggest reading Lifehacker's manual for How to Quit Facebook Without Actually Quitting Facebook.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Holy hair trends! Cleaning out old bathroom drawers can be dangerous. Especially when they are filled with MILLIONS OF OLD HAIR CLIPS.


This picture represents the bulk of the bounty I recovered from a small drawer and a cabinet. What's not pictured are the many bottles of nasty smelling lotions, the used shower puffs, the sparkly shower gels or three bottles of solution to clean piercings. All from Claire's. Anyway.

Notice the bag in the back on the right. It is a bag of plastic curlers. My mom used some of those curlers to curl my hair for Easter festivities when I was 2 (see photo below). They were also used to curl my hair for Easter festivities for the next TEN YEARS. Or thereabouts.

Perms aren't for me.
On the far left are some giant clip thingys. What were those called? Claws? Anyway, I have no idea why there would be so many in my bathroom. Everyone in my family has very fine hair, so those claws would have been outrageously huge on the backs of our teenage heads holding our little bit of hair, half slipping out. Now that's just impractical.

At the bottom of the picture, you can find some teeny tiny sparkly claws. I have to say that I don't remember wearing these, but I could have blacked it out. Were they a Spice Girls fashion trend? A high school dance hair accessory? It's unclear. I suspect that my sister used these items more than me, but I'd hate to falsely accuse her of something so horrific as wearing tiny clips when she was 12. That was sarcasm.

One thing I'm sure of is this: neither my sister nor I wore 1/4 of this crap. For real. I would not lie to you about this. Our hair decorating days were in elementary school, and most of this accumulated after. Those giant clips were just impractical and we were WAY more into scrunchies anyway. The most popular (and therefore, hideous) of those scrunchies were disposed of long ago, because elastic bands can only withstand so many scalding water washings. I think it's for the best.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

People in their 20s and The Sex

Creative Commons photo courtesy of Flikr user peachy92
Ah, yes. The Sex. Capital T, capital S. Let's discuss it for a minute.

Yesterday the LA Times published an article about Us and Sex. Us, meaning people in their 20s, and Sex. Let's just say the news isn't all good.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

30 Posts in 30 Days

Last week I attended an Etsy Virtual Lab about jump-starting creativity. Artist Noah Scalin talked about his project, Skull A Day, in which he created one skull every day for a year and posted them on his blog. Giving himself a deadline and an audience, Scalin was forced to buckle down and get working! Which is exactly what I plan on doing.

SO HERE WE GO: 30 Posts in 30 Days. We'll see what happens.

Look, I even made a banner for the event! There's no backing out now people.

Even though I'm only marginally employed right now and therefore have an obscene amount of free time, these posts will not be the hard-hitting and lengthy exposes that you've grown accustomed to. Ha! You'll be fine.